Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Grateful for "Rerum Novarum"

“Rerum Novarum” was a document written by Pope Leo XIII in 1891 to reflect upon the involvement of the Church and Her teachings in light of the modern world. It was a document that took a long, hard look at the dignity of work and of the workers who did it, and found the presence of God there, as He is in all good things.

But what the title of that document means, in plain and simple Latin, is “New stuff.” And I am just overwhelmed and thrilled about the amount of  “new stuff” that is happening here at St. Michael this week. It’s an exciting time in the life of our parish as we see the result of all the planning that has happened behind the scenes now for almost 5 months.

·         At long last, we are getting new carpet in the church -- carpet that is designed to stand up to the thousands of folks who come in and out through the weeks (the dealer called it “airport quality”)! And it matches everything!
·         We are re-striping the parking lot, so everybody will be able to see the space markers. We’re hoping that, with the new lines, we might even be able to fit a few more cars in the lot where they were taking up a space-and-a-half before!
·         We have almost finished the approval process to replace our air conditioners in the church. We still have to get the pieces delivered … and then get them out of the roof … but at least the parts are on the move!
·         We have a beautiful new piece of artwork in our parish school. Mr. Al Boyle painted a beautiful scene of Jesus blessing the children who came to Him, and we have dedicated the painting back to the Lord by hanging it in the front hallway of our school where our children can see it.
What a wonderful slate of “new stuff” for us to receive with rejoicing! God has been very good to our parish! As a priest of the parish and as a recipient of the many, many blessings that He has given to us, I want to give thanks to Him with all my heart. But in the spirit of Pope Leo’s “Rerum Novarum,” I also want to thank the many people who have offered their labor in service to our improvement projects: the carpet layers, the air conditioning technicians, the parking lot crew, Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, and the many who work so hard for our parish every day of the week. We can see the work of God in and through you!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Let your good works shine ...

As I took my vacation to visit friends in the Frozen Northlands this past week (and by that, I mean Philadelphia), I was really struck by the change of seasons that's already happening up there. The trees are showing off their best reds, oranges, and yellows. Some of the trees are at their peak already, all changed over and ready to let the leaves come down. Others are just starting out, letting a little bit of color show around the edges.

 But it made me think and wonder a little bit: no matter where I am on my journey of faith -- fully committed as an intentional disciple of Jesus, or only at the beginning stages around the edges -- am I letting the glory of God shine through me so that others may "see my good works and give glory to God my Father" (cf. Matthew 5:16)? The whole of creation is telling us that it's time!