Thursday, November 5, 2015

Doughnuts? I like doughnuts!

I discovered today that Nov. 5 is one of TWO National Doughnut Days in the United States. That leads me to some “holey” thoughts about the way God interacts with us.

It’s often been said that there is a “God shaped hole” within each of us, where we recognize that we can’t “dough” everything all by ourselves. In other words, we are dependent beings. We need something beyond ourselves to fulfill us and bring us peace of soul.

We can try to fill that hole with all sorts of things … not typically jelly or Boston crème, but instead with work, or technology, or food, or vacations, or even unhealthy behaviors.  The problem is that none of these things can truly fill and fulfill us. We can try to cram more and more of these “goodies” into our lives, but it is only the infinite Presence of God that will truly fill the needs and dependencies we hold within us. He can meet our needs and fulfill our desires for happiness, peace, and joy in a way that no limited earthly thing can even come close.

So … enjoy a doughnut today (preferably with chocolate frosting and sprinkles), and take a minute to ask the Holy Spirit to fill in the hole for you!