When the Church recognizes a special blessing in her life, she very often sings the "Te Deum," a hymn of praise for what God has done for His people. For example, the beginning of the New Year, the celebration of Sunday, an Ordination, and celebrations like that usually have a "Te Deum" as part of their celebration. So, as I look back on my first year of Priesthood, I am so grateful for the many blessings God has given me and the way He has helped me grow by being at St. Michael Parish.
So here goes (no, this is NOT me singing):
And now I give thanks also for 2 weeks of vacation to enjoy the Ordination of the NEXT batch of priests for the Diocese in the person of Father-Elect Michael Burbeck, and then to join our wonderful choir on their concert tour of Germany and Austria.
Yes, indeed, "We Praise You, O God", for all that You have done for us!